Friday, June 24, 2022



         It is no banter that the prevalence of workplace violence/abuse in healthcare remains higher than in most profession-about a quarter of the world's workplace violence is rooted in this sector. The preeminence of which is directed toward the Nursing profession.
 According to the 2019 survey by the American Nurses Association (ANA), one in four nurses is physically assaulted on the job, though nearly half of assaults go unreported. A recent study found that 44.4% and 67.8% of nurses reported experiencing physical violence and verbal abuse respectively.
Most unreported cases of nurses abuse stem from the misconception that some nurses feel it is part of the job to deal with abusive language, threats, and violence, and the fear of furthermore being accused/blamed by their employers/hospital administration for doing something wrong. Most often than not, if said abuse is addressed or publicized, it ends up as a blip on the news/news journals decorated with an apology letter from the perpetrators. Many times nurses are thrown under the bus and end up being disciplined/sanctioned or even fired if they involve law enforcement agents outside the confinement of the health centre.
     Nurses are victimized by physicians, patients, patient's family and friends, fellow nurses and even the health organization in various forms of physical assault, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, emotional abuse & intimidation, work overload, disrespect to the nurse's bill of rights, amongst other forms of assault. Nursing victimization undermines the safety, dignity, well-being and happiness of the nurse resulting in lost workdays, burnout and turnover. The soaring rate of this violence also undermines the efforts to provide quality patient care.
    Any form of abuse directed towards a Nurse is in itself an abuse to Nursing as a profession. The Nursing profession is established on a well-defined body of knowledge through specialized education, skills, and scientific orientation, bounded by the Nurses Code of Ethics. The autonomy on which this profession is founded allows and deems it right for Independent nursing functions as caregivers, teachers, client advocates, counsellors, change agents, leaders, managers, researchers and in other expanded career roles in Nursing, and in no way are nurses obliged to act as "ward maids" or physicians "handbags", "punching bag", or instruments for self-gratification, all whilst coexisting interdependently with other healthcare professionals on mutual respect.
       The effect of Gender inequality and public misconception in cases of abuse cannot be stressed enough. The public belief that the role of nurses to "obey" doctors is completely erroneous, as the role of a nurse to "assist" physicians and other healthcare professionals is in care directed towards the patient. 
Nursing as a profession preaches against blind obedience, intimidation, and gender inequality within and outside the profession, superiority only exists intra-profession. 
In an alternate dimension where Hippocrates was a female and Nightingale a male, would public notion deem Nursing as submissive?

How then can we condemn abuse in the nursing profession as nurses and student nurses?
1. Know your right- Legal rights and responsibilities are inherent in Nursing and the knowledge is integrated into every member of the Nursing community. Nurses should be aware of the Nurse's Bill of Rights, Code of Ethics and the Patient's Bill of Rights, and the sense of its purpose shouldn't be lost at any point in their career life. Per the American Nurses Association (ANA), nurses have a non-negotiable right to:
Full authority to practice at the top of their license, credentials and professional standards without barriers, and in a manner that fulfils their obligation to society, patients and community.
Continuous access to training education and professional development.
Right to work and practice in environments 
that ensures respect, inclusivity, diversity and equity.
Right to Just care settings that facilitate ethical nursing practice, standards and care under the code of ethics.
- Right to safe work environments that prioritize and protect nurses' well-being and provide support, resources and tools to stay psychologically and physically whole.
Freedom of nurses to advocate for their patients and raise legitimate concerns about their own personal safety without the fear of retribution, retaliation, intimidation, termination and ostracization.
Competitive compensation consistent with nurses' clinical knowledge, experience and professional responsibilities and that recognizes the value and rigour of nursing practice
Collective and individual rights for nurses to negotiate terms, wages and work conditions of their employment in all practice settings.

2. Know your roles and responsibilities- The responsibility of a nurse is non specified in a varied field of nursing (speciality) from Licenced Nurses to Advance Practice Nurses. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), Nurses have 4 fundamental responsibilities, namely, to promote and restore health; to prevent illness; to protect the people entrusted to their care. The nurse's primary professional responsibility is to people requiring nursing care.

3. Relate professionally with colleagues; within and outside the profession and practice mutual respect for colleagues and patients

4. Report abuse- one of the most important aspects of the nursing profession is managing the responsibility of being a mandated reporter, every form of assault, battery, defamation and slander should be reported to appropriate authorities. The basic human right integrated within the nurse's code of ethics protects the nurse's right to life. Patients showing signs of agitation and aggression should be identified as high risk to prevent an act of violence.

5. Unity- Nurses should function as unified change agents, and work with mutual respect. 

      The Nursing profession is a service to humanity characterized by empathy, respect for human dignity, altruism, patient autonomy, a friendly environment and holistic care, but...
...."how very little can be done on the spirit of fear"...
~Florence Nightingale~ 

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Did you know ❓๐Ÿ’ก

Hepatitis B Vaccination Schedule
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Monday, June 13, 2022


Did you know ❓๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿค”

Brain aneurysm is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. It often look like a berry hanging on a stem.
..Holla๐Ÿค—, Drop a comment let us interact and possibly learn more ๐Ÿค—☺️...

Friday, June 10, 2022



          The global prevalence of malnutrition in children is a leading cause of death in children under the age of 5, with the predominance of undernourishment, child stunting and wasting, and child mortality in Africa, the South of the Sahara than any region of the world.

             This widespread public health epidemic problem targets everyone, leaving the poverty-stricken younglings, children with illness and have a compromised immune system, most susceptible to its influence.

What then is Malnutrition in children?

Malnutrition in children in simplified terms is the alteration/deviation in the normal nutritional status of children (the period between infancy and adolescence). Nutrition is the sum of all interactions between an organism and the food it consumes- nutrition is what a person eats and what the body uses.

          The World Health Organization describes Malnutrition in children as "deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization". The double whammy of malnutrition includes both Undernutrition- intake of nutrients insufficient to meet daily energy requirements(wasting/low weight for height, stunting/low height for age, underweight), and Overnutrition-caloric intake over daily energy requirements, resulting in storage of energy in form of adipose tissue(overweight and obesity), as well as diet-related noncommunicable diseases.


OVERNUTRITION (Overweight and obesity)


           The body weight of a child reveals the balance between the intake of nutrients and expenditure of energy, it is an important indicator of child malnourishment and such child is classified using The Body Mass Index(BMI).

 The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an important scale of measurement in the classification of a child as underweight, normal, overweight or obesity. 

The BMI of a child is the child's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. It is age and sex-specific due to the nutritional variation throughout the life of childhood. (Read here on warning signs of Malnourishment )

BMI categories for children

                The public health in supplementary to the United Nations Children's Emergency Funds, UNICEF, has conducted extensive research studies which reveal variants of Causes, Effects, Preventive measures, and Management methods of Malnutrition in children, whilst focusing on "the treatment" (correction/reversion)

Although poverty as a socioeconomic condition remains an important underlying cause of malnutrition in children, Malnutrition is not only about the lack of food, other conditions contribute to this epidemic such as:

 -Child's diet at home.

- Illnesses, such as digestive disorders and stomach conditions.

- Inadequate child feeding practice and care in early life.

- Unhealthy household environment.

-Lack of health care services.

- Poor maternal health/Maternal Malnutrition resulting in child wasting and low birth weight

- Eating disorders- Bulimia nervosa (excessive and uncontrollable consumption of food followed by purging) and Anorexia nervosa (restriction of food and nourishment causing extreme weight loss)

ANOREXIA illustration

BULIMIA Illustration

Studies indicate that a malnourished child is at a greater risk of death and being affected by childhood infections, this explains that Malnutrition doesn't only affect a child's health but also inhibits the child's future development.

          The consequences of Malnutrition on the health, physical and social well-being of a child includes, but are not restrictive to:

- Delay in physical growth and motor development; children suffering from stunting may never grow to their full height.

- Severe weight loss (cachexia).

- Muscular dysfunctionality.

-Lower intellectual quotient.

- Altered cellular metabolism.

- Behavioural problems and deficient social skills.

- Altered immunity increases susceptibility to disease and infections.

- Undernourished children are more likely to develop certain long-term health problem complications; Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease later in life.

- Overnutrition, especially in foods with high nutritive value in fat, sugar, and salt can increase the risks of the child for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and atherosclerosis as an adult.

The best preventive measure and management of Malnutrition is to eat a healthy balanced diet.

- Awareness and nutrition literacy/ education. 

- Early initiation of breastfeeding.

- Enhance mid-day meals.

- Donating to Non-governmental Fundraising for feeding the less privileged.

- Practice responsive feeding for the young child; watch for hunger cues and respond by offering them food, feeding slowly and patiently.

- Invest in social welfare programs.

- Education on strategies to prevent eating disorders and identify the signs.

Malnutrition ranges from mild/moderate to Severe/acute. 

The treatment method of Severe malnutrition(wasting) requires great care as children are fed and rehydrated with specialized therapeutic diets (F75 and F100 formula; RUTF) alongside diagnosis and management of complications during in-patient care.

Children with Mild malnutrition mostly respond to an increase in caloric intake orally and supplementation with micronutrients such as vitamin, iron, and folate supplements.


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  ....Have you read our last blog post on Abortion?๐Ÿค”.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Happy June๐Ÿค—๐ŸŽ‰, Yaayy๐ŸŽŠ It's our first blog post๐ŸŽŠ

      This article is formed from excerpts from our discussion forum on our WhatsApp platform,
   Click the link to follow up on our next discussion session ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰.
-As part of the Healthcare
- As part of human right
          The legalization of abortion has been a controversial and sensational topic of debate in the healthcare sector across various countries of the world
     "It's similar to the legalization of the euthanasia debate, it'll never be considered completely right or wrong due to various cultures around the world".                              
                                        -STN Samuel-

        Hmmm๐Ÿค” what is abortion really about?...
            Abortion sometimes known as termination of pregnancy is a procedure to end a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo or fetus. The procedure is done with two options, either medical abortion through the use of abortion pills-2 pills usually taken 24-48 hours apart, or surgical abortion to remove the pregnancy.
           The Anatomy of Abortion cannot be fully dissected without discussing the embryology of conception and pregnancy, not exclusive to the issues resulting or arising from conception and pregnancy.

".... a human fetus isn't considered a human being until it takes its first breath..."
                                            - Anonymous -
            The human fetus , as we may know develops after conception as a result of the fertilization of the female ovum by the male sperm, leading to various stages of gestation.
Medico-scientifically pregnancy is divided into 3 stages known as the First, Second, and Third trimesters 
image downloaded from Google

      Of all stages of development of a child, the First trimester is tagged as the most crucial stage as the baby's body structure and organs develop most during this period. 15% of all confirmed pregnancies are said to result in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) some 80% of which happens during the first trimester.
So, is it really safe to say at the most crucial stage of human life, one isn't a real human being?...
To learn more about the morality of embryos visit this link
           On another hand, the effect of issues arising from pregnancy can be quite deleterious.

"Abortion for me should be a part of Healthcare policy, and also be a part of human rights. Some parents even have to give birth to a child against their personal reasons or wish, which can affect their behavior towards such child, and in turn, reflects in the child's mental health as a feeling of being unwanted"
-STN Bayo-

         Although, pregnancy intention has also been studied to have a long-term influence on child health, as children born after unintended pregnancy showed a cognitive delay at 3 years old and more behavioral problems at 5 and 7 years old, and increased problem behaviors and substance use at 14 years old than their counterparts. The birth of unwanted children in marriage is also studied to be a leading cause of marital issues which may later result in divorce.

 "What about tubal ligation and vasectomy, it's at least a permanent method "

           Tubal ligation is the surgical procedure for female sterilization which involves severing and tying the fallopian tubes.
            A vasectomy (male sterilization) is a surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a man's sperm, to permanently prevent pregnancy. Although these alternatives profer a more permanent solution to issues relating to unwanted pregnancy, it is considered a big life decision, especially for unmarried couples as opposed to other procedures for pregnancy prevention
" Although abortion is useful in its way of contributing some solutions to cases of unwanted pregnancies varying from avoidable to unavoidable, I believe there are multitudes of ways pregnancy prevention can be done ranging from condoms to calendar methods. In all the risk associated with abortion outweighs the advantages"
-STN Beatrice-

"Emergency contraceptive pills can also be used immediately after sex to prevent pregnancy"
-STN Fahd-

         The theory of strengthening the prevention of pregnancy through the use of contraceptives and other means over the legalization of abortion has been one of extensive study as evidence demonstrates that contraceptive use is the key to reducing abortion worldwide
to read a cohort study on contraceptive use.
      The use of contraceptives is addressed as a saving grace in curbing unwanted pregnancy, but pregnancy can also result from other unavoidable situations such as rape.

          In light of the recent online sensation which once again shines the spotlight on the interrelationship between rape, abortion, and suicide.
The legalization of abortion has been brought back into trial to reveal its relieving advantage on traumatized rape case victims.

"Abortion should be legalized health wisely and economically, there are a lot of cases of unwanted pregnancy and these affect our economy, for it to be legalized doesn't mean it should be abused or made cheap for underaged"
-STN Ara-

"Legalizing abortion will also promote safe abortion practices  reducing the maternal mortality rates and control population"
    "In 1955 a panel of experts could only provide a "best estimate" of between 200,000 and 1,200,000 illegally induced abortions occurring annually in the US. The actual number was most likely closer to the higher figure. The complication rates for illegal abortions, most of which were performed by unskilled practitioners in unsafe settings, were much higher than the rates for legal abortion now. Complications were related to ineffective or unsafe methods, Sepsis, particularly with the bacterium "Clostridium Perfrigens," which causes gas gangrene, was a major problem that has virtually disappeared"
"If abortion is legalized will there be a strict body that will regulate the process"

       The legality of abortion is discussed under the abortion law which varies widely among countries of the world and territories. The law ranges from abortion is freely available on request, to restrictions of various kinds, to being outrightly illegal and prohibited.
image source
  In various countries of the world, Nigeria inclusive, the legality of abortion falls only under risk to maternal life or health, protecting women from pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy and tubal pregnancy, preeclampsia/eclampsia, and others. This law isn't favorable to rape victims who are forced to bear the consequences of others' actions.

So, the question now is if at all abortion should be legalized to what range should the legalization of abortion fall into?๐Ÿค”

We, the team at Guide2RN appreciate every member of the community for their impressive contributions๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—

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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Welcome ๐ŸŽ‰

Holla๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿค—, Welcome to Guide2rn

      Guide2RN is an online nursing community that provides a platform for Nursing Students in Nigeria and globally to;
:- learn tips and methods on how to be a nurse with a difference.
:-discuss essential and salient issues in nursing and healthcare at large.
   At Guide2RN, you can be sure to meet nurses and student nurses of like minds, receive help and tips on assignments, projects, and problem-solving in nursing, and most importantly be a part of a community that wants you to grow.


- To guide nursing students in becoming Registered Nurses, hence the name Guide2RN.
- To provide useful tips in ensuring nursing students become confident in their skills.
- To profer workable solutions to issues affecting Nursing negatively.
- To be a nursing community that voice innovative ideas of every nursing student.
- To be a community of nurses to reckon with on a global scale.

 Guide2rn, an online nursing community has a discussion forum platform, entertainment, and educative platform of over 400 members of nursing students that cut across states in Nigeria on WhatsApp and a considerable number of members across other social media platforms... want to journey with us?....
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  • YAKUBU FAHD (Founder and Social media manager)
  • AYEMIBO ADEBAYO (Community manager and coordinator)
  • AWE EUNICE (Community manager)
  • OGUNYINKA BENEDICTA (Blog manager and author)