Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Happy June🤗🎉, Yaayy🎊 It's our first blog post🎊

      This article is formed from excerpts from our discussion forum on our WhatsApp platform,
   Click the link to follow up on our next discussion session 😊😉.
-As part of the Healthcare
- As part of human right
          The legalization of abortion has been a controversial and sensational topic of debate in the healthcare sector across various countries of the world
     "It's similar to the legalization of the euthanasia debate, it'll never be considered completely right or wrong due to various cultures around the world".                              
                                        -STN Samuel-

        Hmmm🤔 what is abortion really about?...
            Abortion sometimes known as termination of pregnancy is a procedure to end a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo or fetus. The procedure is done with two options, either medical abortion through the use of abortion pills-2 pills usually taken 24-48 hours apart, or surgical abortion to remove the pregnancy.
           The Anatomy of Abortion cannot be fully dissected without discussing the embryology of conception and pregnancy, not exclusive to the issues resulting or arising from conception and pregnancy.

".... a human fetus isn't considered a human being until it takes its first breath..."
                                            - Anonymous -
            The human fetus , as we may know develops after conception as a result of the fertilization of the female ovum by the male sperm, leading to various stages of gestation.
Medico-scientifically pregnancy is divided into 3 stages known as the First, Second, and Third trimesters 
image downloaded from Google

      Of all stages of development of a child, the First trimester is tagged as the most crucial stage as the baby's body structure and organs develop most during this period. 15% of all confirmed pregnancies are said to result in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) some 80% of which happens during the first trimester.
So, is it really safe to say at the most crucial stage of human life, one isn't a real human being?...
To learn more about the morality of embryos visit this link
           On another hand, the effect of issues arising from pregnancy can be quite deleterious.

"Abortion for me should be a part of Healthcare policy, and also be a part of human rights. Some parents even have to give birth to a child against their personal reasons or wish, which can affect their behavior towards such child, and in turn, reflects in the child's mental health as a feeling of being unwanted"
-STN Bayo-

         Although, pregnancy intention has also been studied to have a long-term influence on child health, as children born after unintended pregnancy showed a cognitive delay at 3 years old and more behavioral problems at 5 and 7 years old, and increased problem behaviors and substance use at 14 years old than their counterparts. The birth of unwanted children in marriage is also studied to be a leading cause of marital issues which may later result in divorce.

 "What about tubal ligation and vasectomy, it's at least a permanent method "

           Tubal ligation is the surgical procedure for female sterilization which involves severing and tying the fallopian tubes.
            A vasectomy (male sterilization) is a surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a man's sperm, to permanently prevent pregnancy. Although these alternatives profer a more permanent solution to issues relating to unwanted pregnancy, it is considered a big life decision, especially for unmarried couples as opposed to other procedures for pregnancy prevention
" Although abortion is useful in its way of contributing some solutions to cases of unwanted pregnancies varying from avoidable to unavoidable, I believe there are multitudes of ways pregnancy prevention can be done ranging from condoms to calendar methods. In all the risk associated with abortion outweighs the advantages"
-STN Beatrice-

"Emergency contraceptive pills can also be used immediately after sex to prevent pregnancy"
-STN Fahd-

         The theory of strengthening the prevention of pregnancy through the use of contraceptives and other means over the legalization of abortion has been one of extensive study as evidence demonstrates that contraceptive use is the key to reducing abortion worldwide
to read a cohort study on contraceptive use.
      The use of contraceptives is addressed as a saving grace in curbing unwanted pregnancy, but pregnancy can also result from other unavoidable situations such as rape.

          In light of the recent online sensation which once again shines the spotlight on the interrelationship between rape, abortion, and suicide.
The legalization of abortion has been brought back into trial to reveal its relieving advantage on traumatized rape case victims.

"Abortion should be legalized health wisely and economically, there are a lot of cases of unwanted pregnancy and these affect our economy, for it to be legalized doesn't mean it should be abused or made cheap for underaged"
-STN Ara-

"Legalizing abortion will also promote safe abortion practices  reducing the maternal mortality rates and control population"
    "In 1955 a panel of experts could only provide a "best estimate" of between 200,000 and 1,200,000 illegally induced abortions occurring annually in the US. The actual number was most likely closer to the higher figure. The complication rates for illegal abortions, most of which were performed by unskilled practitioners in unsafe settings, were much higher than the rates for legal abortion now. Complications were related to ineffective or unsafe methods, Sepsis, particularly with the bacterium "Clostridium Perfrigens," which causes gas gangrene, was a major problem that has virtually disappeared"
"If abortion is legalized will there be a strict body that will regulate the process"

       The legality of abortion is discussed under the abortion law which varies widely among countries of the world and territories. The law ranges from abortion is freely available on request, to restrictions of various kinds, to being outrightly illegal and prohibited.
image source
  In various countries of the world, Nigeria inclusive, the legality of abortion falls only under risk to maternal life or health, protecting women from pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy and tubal pregnancy, preeclampsia/eclampsia, and others. This law isn't favorable to rape victims who are forced to bear the consequences of others' actions.

So, the question now is if at all abortion should be legalized to what range should the legalization of abortion fall into?🤔

We, the team at Guide2RN appreciate every member of the community for their impressive contributions😁🤗

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1 comment:

  1. The points stated continue to bother everyone's minds... But then whether we admit it or not, even children will start questioning if the right to be born is the society's.
